Mother Mary speaking at the 12-12 Ashtar Teleconference:
"My children, I overflow with Joy at this coming together. I see the beautiful Lights you are. I see the lights that you have put up, and it is such a welcome. I bring you roses again. You deserve mountains of roses, gardens unending, and let that be the gift that you keep in your hearts.
"And know that we are, as my Son has said, together. Let us act together as One. Let us go through the rest of this time, before the ultimate shift, before the Ascension is completed for your planet, let us come together to facilitate for each of you individually, and for your planet.
"This, my children, may seem a bit difficult, but when it does, when you’re taking those deep breaths, smell the roses, smell the roses, and know that we are all One. We are together, and together we shall bring this into total and complete manifestation in all dimensions of planet Earth. And so it is! Blessings to you ALL! Namaste!"
© Susan Leland 2006. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.
This 12-12 Ashtar Teleconference is a treasure. The CD is now available: